martedì 30 dicembre 2008

Bletaverse for second life

I'm reading on Vint Falken blog that a new blog service is spreading out for second life users.....I'm quite new in second life, but it seems that Bletaverse, this new service is quite interesting....

I tried also some weeks ago Bloghud, that is offering also some crosspost options for crossposting from sl to bloghud and from bloghud to wordpress and blogspot blogs and I think it is cool service, too

I'm quite impressed by the numbers of Bletaverse, they claim to have already thousands of is quite interesting because it is a relative new service....

In the comments Vint Falken and others suggest Bletaverse to introduce new features for Bletaverse in order to get more comfortable for already networked people....

I have Koinup, Flickr, Myrl, Avatars United account so I particolarly would welcome the crosspost option from Bletaverse to Koinup, which is a popular hangouts for many second life citizens

venerdì 19 dicembre 2008

Sims Artists Community

Just stumbleupon this nice stuff on Digg
It is about this fantastic example of Sims Art

martedì 16 dicembre 2008

Myrl Badges

Myrl Introduce the Widget!
I'm quite fond of Widgets, so I welcome positvely this recently add from Myrl!
The Myrl Badge is very nice and specific for virtual worlds

can't I miss to add it on my sidebar? no, I can' look at your right side and see how nice the badge is....

domenica 14 dicembre 2008

Sims 2 Dark Pictures

Dark Sims Visions by Violentdoll

she is a great artist, one of the best I'm subscribing on Koinup!
Have a look with your eyes! Violentdoll