martedì 30 dicembre 2008

Bletaverse for second life

I'm reading on Vint Falken blog that a new blog service is spreading out for second life users.....I'm quite new in second life, but it seems that Bletaverse, this new service is quite interesting....

I tried also some weeks ago Bloghud, that is offering also some crosspost options for crossposting from sl to bloghud and from bloghud to wordpress and blogspot blogs and I think it is cool service, too

I'm quite impressed by the numbers of Bletaverse, they claim to have already thousands of is quite interesting because it is a relative new service....

In the comments Vint Falken and others suggest Bletaverse to introduce new features for Bletaverse in order to get more comfortable for already networked people....

I have Koinup, Flickr, Myrl, Avatars United account so I particolarly would welcome the crosspost option from Bletaverse to Koinup, which is a popular hangouts for many second life citizens

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